Mommy Makeover


Boost confidence and experience the ultimate rejuvenation with our Mommy Makeover Package!

What’s Included:

Vitalia (3 Sessions) : The Vitalia device can tighten and restore the loose vaginal tissue and can also improve nerve sensitivity that decreases with aging and post child birth for a better sexual experience.

PHYSIQ (5 Sessions): PHYSIQ body contouring uses a combination of heat and energy to reduce fat, tighten skin and tone muscle, and get your body to that “next level.”

Vaginal CO2 Lift (3 Count): CO2LIFTV is a painless effective treatment that has no downtime and addresses vaginal issues associated with aging, childbearing and/or stress. Our Kit comes with 3 treatments and 3 applicator sticks that can be used in the privacy of your home.

3 Rosebud Products including Arouse, Honor and Soothe: These intimate skin and body care products support all of the stages of a woman’s sensual, sexual and reproductive life, from menarche to menopause and beyond. These offer solutions for arousal, moisture, calming, freshness and resilience, and cultivate comfort and pleasure through all of the cycles in a woman’s life.

Total Value $5715

Get 20% OFF with our Mommy Makeover Package: $4572

Before & After PHYSIQ

Before & After Vitalia